Course Description
The Cashiering Training module will equip Cashiers with the knowledge on using the cashdesk module to perform
- customer transactions with Player Cards,
- Tables transactions (Fills, Credits, Openers and Closers)
- and shift related transactions
- Basic computer skills
- Experience working as a cashier
Systems Analyst
Marie Fowler
Course curriculum
Cashdesk Overview
Cash Desk Overview
Transacting with Customers
1. Add money to a Card
2. Add a deposit to a card
3. Cashout money from a card
4. Refund Card Deposit
5. Add Forex to a Card
6. Process a Credit/Debit card transaction
7. Refund Credit Card Transaction
8. Redeem Slot Shorts to Card (Release 27.5.3 and newer)
9. Process a Voucher to Card
10. Card Adjustments (Release 30.x)
11. Add a Pin Number on a Card
12. Fix Card functionality
Other Float Transactions
1. Accept a Float Increase
2. Float Decrease to Vault
3. Float transactions between cashiers (Release 30)
Chipbank Cashier Transactions
1. Process a Table Opener Request
2. Process and Confirm a Table Credit Transaction
3. Process a Fill Request from Tables
4. Processing a Table Close Request
Additional Courses
FreeVault Cashier Training