Course Description
The intended audience is for Tables Managers, Table Pit Boss and Tables Shift Managers.
This module is used to manage all tables configured on the Casino Floor.
You will learn how to Open the Pit, Open tables, request fills, send credits and even capturing manual player tracking sessions!
Let's get started!
Systems Analyst
Marie Fowler
Course curriculum
Tables Transactions
Pit Control Overview
1. Opening the Pit
2. Open a Table
3. Requesting & Confirm a Fill from the Chipbank
3.1 Confirm a Fill received
4. Sending Chips to Chipbank using Credit Transaction
4.1 Confirm Credit Updates Tables Statistics
5. Doing the Hourly Count
6. Closing a Table
7. Closing the Pit
Tables Player Tracking
Adding Player Tracking records
Pit Control reports explained
A very simple and clear guide for those who do not know a...
Brett Hilliar
As a slots person, I found this module to be extremely simple to follow and understand. Capturing of player tracking information is extremely easy.
As a slots person, I found this module to be extremely simple to follow and understand. Capturing of player tracking information is extremely easy.
Read LessNtjapeli Mohoase
Opalyn Serrano
Eliah Nyamunda
FreePit Control Training Bundle